Workers Advocate Law Group

Advocate for Yourself at Work: Start by Laying the Groundwork

Advocate for yourself at work! This step-by-step guide will show you how to lay the groundwork, negotiate with your employer, and stand up for your rights.

Advocating for yourself at work can be difficult, but it’s worth it. By standing up for your rights, you can create a better workplace for yourself and for everyone else.

Here are a few tips for advocating for yourself at work:

Start by laying the groundwork. Talk to your employer about the broader principles that everyone should aspire to in the workplace, such as respect, fairness, and equity. Get your employer’s agreement to these principles in writing.
Be prepared. When you need to advocate for yourself, be prepared with all of your facts and figures. Be able to clearly articulate the issue that you’re raising and the solution that you’re proposing.
Be confident. When you’re advocating for yourself, it’s important to project confidence. Even if you’re feeling nervous, try to stand up straight and make eye contact. Speak clearly and slowly, and be assertive in your demands.
Be persistent. Don’t give up if your employer doesn’t agree to your demands right away. Keep following up and negotiating until you reach a resolution that you’re happy with.
Advocating for yourself at work can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that you have rights and that you deserve to be treated fairly. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success.

If you’re struggling to advocate for yourself at work, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. There are many resources available, such as employee assistance programs (EAPs) and human resources departments. You can also talk to a trusted friend, family member, or mentor.

Why You Should Have Your Severance Agreement Reviewed by an Attorney

Being laid off can be a difficult experience, both emotionally and financially. But one of the most important things you can do during this time is to protect your rights. One way to do this is to have your severance agreement reviewed by an attorney before you sign it.

A severance agreement is a contract between you and your employer that outlines the terms of your separation from the company. It may include things like severance pay, continued benefits, and non-compete clauses.

It’s important to have your severance agreement reviewed by an attorney before you sign it, even if you think you’ve gotten a fair deal. There may be hidden clauses or provisions that could hurt you in the long run.

Workers’ Advocate Law Group offers a free consultation to all laid-off employees, where we’ll review your severance agreement and answer any questions you have. We’ll also explain your rights and options, and help you negotiate a better severance package if necessary.

Call Workers’ Advocate Law Group today for a free consultation and get the severance package you deserve.

The Hidden Impact of NYC Apartment Debt: Understanding the Generational Struggle

In New York City, where each apartment tells a unique story, a looming crisis holds the potential to alter the fabric of life. A towering trillion-dollar avalanche of apartment building debt is due in the coming years. If not refinanced—a daunting task with 8% interest rates—the impact on apartment ownership rates and service quality for working families could be seismic. It’s not just about numbers—it’s about people, homes, futures. Together, let’s turn law into a powerful instrument of change, ensuring apartment economics serve individuals, not banks.

Our Capabilities

MyStory Employee Rights Advocacy In The Community

Our Advocates pride ourselves in serving our nonprofit organizations, civil services organizations, and grassroots working communities across in Southern California. We offer know your rights presentations to communities of all economic, ethnic, and religious backgrounds to overview key employment rights every worker should know. If you or your organization would like to partner with Workers’ Advocate to arrange a free in-person presentation.