A mass tort is an efficient way for multiple plaintiffs to have their voices heard against a common defendant. Rather than hearing hundreds of similar claims against the same defendant, the courts allow plaintiffs to present a unified case together. Common mass torts are environmental torts, unfair business practice torts, and defective consumer product torts. Our Advocates are available 24/7 to assist Mass Tort victims to recover for their injuries against the largest companies in the world. Contact us by filling out the contact sheet on this page.
A mass tort is a legal action, typically filed in state or federal court, which includes a large group of plaintiffs who have suffered similar injuries or loss because of the defendant(s). Although each plaintiff has their own claim, the similarity of claims allows plaintiffs to pool resources and share information to build their cases against the defendant.
A wide variety of situations might give rise to multiple individuals filing similar suits against the same defendant. Most mass torts revolve around the use of the same product or service, or a common event. Here are some examples of common types of mass tort actions:
Although plaintiffs in mass torts share resources, they have individual cases. In the same fashion as an ordinary personal injury suit, mass tort plaintiffs might recover damages if the court rules in their favor. Damages commonly awarded include:
Whether you file an individual suit or are part of mass tort litigation, you have two years from the date of injury to initiate legal action in California. Similarly, if you are part of a mass tort wrongful death action, you have two years to file a wrongful death suit or survivor action as a surviving family member. Several situations might give a court a valid reason to pause the time clock on the statute of limitations, but this is very rare. It’s in your best interest to contact a skilled mass tort attorney as soon as possible after your injury to ensure you have the opportunity to recover losses related to your injury.
If you’re worried about pursuing a claim against your employer or after a serious auto accident because of how much it might cost, don’t worry. Workers advocates’ no fee unless you win guarantee means you won’t be asked for any upfront costs to pursue your claims all the way to trial if needed. We make it easy for workers and their loved ones to seek justice in employment and serious personal injury cases. Take your cause to the best attorneys in California, you deserve it.
Any content found on the website is for general informational purposes only and the provided information does not create a relationship between a website visitor and an attorney.
Any content found on the website is for general informational purposes only and the provided information does not create a relationship between a website visitor and an attorney.
Our Advocates pride ourselves in serving our nonprofit organizations, civil services organizations, and grassroots working communities across in Southern California. We offer know your rights presentations to communities of all economic, ethnic, and religious backgrounds to overview key employment rights every worker should know. If you or your organization would like to partner with Workers’ Advocate to arrange a free in-person presentation.